Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tomorrow We Diet...

Due to some health reasons I have not been able to start my diet this week, I am going to stocked up on the veggies, eggs and meat this weekend, and hoping to start from Monday if my health permits....

Meanwhile, I'd like to share my shopping list with those wondering what it is that I am stocking up on.

1.2% MILK 
Ideally one should get the Fat free or the 1% milk, but fellas I am a foodie...and my food has to taste good even if its low cal or low carb. So I cheat and get the 2% milk. In case you don't have access to 2% milk, just boil the milk a day in advance and let the cream form, and remove it. (You can use it to make "Ghee"...but that’s another post)

2. Eggs
For all those who enjoy eggs, they are your best friends if you want to lose that weight.

3. Low Fat yoghurt
For those with a sweet tooth. They are the best way to satisfy that insane urge to have something sweet. I get the Yoplait but u can choose the brand u prefer, just make sure it's low fat. Most brands have labels, and the fat should be less than 6g.

4. Nuts
Some kind of nuts, preferably almonds, peanuts or walnuts. They are a good option to snack.

5. Roasted Chana
These can be found in any Indian grocery store. They are technically black chickpeas, so an excellent source of protein. Yet another great snacking option.

In case you are wondering why I have so many snacking options, I work 10am - 6pm and need something on-the-go, for a quick healthy snack. I recommend you make small portions of the nuts/chana and fill them in small Ziploc bags so it’s easy for you to size your portions. 

Another great idea before you start eating healthy would be to consume all foods in your kitchen, which u know are unhealthy and still love to eat. I know all tasty things are unhealthy!!! So that bag of potato chips has to go...yes even if it’s baked!!! And say good bye to those zero calorie sodas. It would be a nice idea to throw a small party and finish all those foods...loll...Cos I have experienced, if these foods are not present in your kitchen, you will do just fine. But if u knows it’s kept hidden somewhere, you will get tempted.
I believe eating healthy and losing weight is more of a family affair. Everyone has to contribute!!!

Let's hope I get well and can begin my weight loss journey from Monday.

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